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Get Outside: Best Resources for Living an Outdoor Lifestyle
For those who need a little help living an outdoor lifestyle, I put together a list of my favorite resources that may be just what you need to get your rear in gear.
Using Nature Prints for Kids Bedroom Decor
Decorating a child’s bedroom with nature prints for kids will help instill a passion for nature in your child. Here are some great art prints and ideas.
Where to Hang 8x10 Nature Prints
Ready to hang 8x10 nature prints in your home? Learn where to hang them and tips for getting them in the most attractive place in your home.
Finding Distinctive Gifts: Framed Nature Prints
Here’s why framed nature prints are excellent gifts for just about any occasion. Start prepping your thoughtful, unique present now.
How to Find the Value of Art Prints – 10 Tips
Looking to learn more about how to find the value of art prints? Start here. We provide 10 tips in a step-by-step format to help you understand art’s value.
Wall Art Ideas: Animal Art Prints for your Perfect Wall Décor
Looking for wall art ideas and tips for decorating? These 5 tips help you create pleasing spaces in your home using animal print wall art.
Bring the Outdoors In With Nature-Inspired Art Prints
Not sure how to incorporate nature art prints into your home? These six ideas will help you get started in using the outdoors to furnish your home.
Is Printing Famous Paintings Illegal? All About Plagiarism
Looking for art prints of famous paintings? Be careful that you don’t plagiarize the artist’s work. Here’s what you need to know about artwork replication.
Don’t Interfere With Nature: Painting Wildlife in Watercolor
Social media has led people to seek out the perfect wildlife selfie with no regard to the animals. Wildlife in watercolor is a better way to capture images.
4 Seasons Inspired by Nature - 2022 Calendar
Enjoy the changing of the seasons as you connect with nature using a 2022 nature calendar. Here are the benefits of bringing nature into your home.
Watercolor Rainbow Trout Drawing
Watch my watercolor rainbow trout drawing come to life via time lapse video, and learn how to draw a rainbow trout using watercolor pencils.
How to Draw a Deer: Watercolor Deer Tutorial
Today we're going to learn how to draw a deer. I will illustrate a beautiful running white-tailed deer.
50 Activity Ideas for Kids
I've compiled a list of 50 ideas to do with kids in hopes that these ideas encourage and inspire togetherness and creativity in your home