Our Outdoor Cold Weather Gear
I am a big proponent of spending as much time out of doors as possible, and having the right outdoor cold weather gear makes ALL the difference. There are so many benefits to being outside for both you and your children, but that's not what this post is about. You can read more about that here, as well as tips to make it successful ;)
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What I DO want to share with you is the outdoor cold weather gear we use, so this fall and winter, you'll have little to no excuses, not to be able to get out and enjoy God's creation, no matter the weather. Sometimes the nastiest weather from your window, is the best, most exciting kind of weather to experience close up. So, let's get to it, starting from the feet on up!
Outdoor Cold Weather Gear For Your Feet:
These are the boots we use. ALL of us. We've used them ever since the kids were toddlers, and have never wanted to use anything else because they work that well. They are are splashy boots and winter boots, and everything in between. I appreciate that they have all different colors and styles. Mama's, there will be no more little ones, flopping on the floor crying because they can't get their boots on. These have built in handles!!! Genius - amiright?! They are also rated for below zero temps, which, here in MN sometimes lands us in the frigid zone. There are several varieties, but we like to make sure we get the ones rated for -30*. And they seriously are.
Outdoor Cold Weather Gear For Your Legs:
Snow pants are next, and although I've purchased multiple brands in the past (usually whatever I could find on sale in the off season), these are the kid's faves. They are always warm enough, and I like that they usually have a choice between the overalls type or the typical pants version. Plus, they all have the reinforced knee. 'Nough said.
Outdoor Cold Weather Gear For Your Body:
Other than the boots, the jacket is THE most important purchase. In previous years we have stayed toasty warm in these, which I bought used from ebay, but I've come to realize that my kids play too hard and these ones are easily torn. Now, we wear this brand and love them because the outer shell is tough and there are no drafty spots. Know what I mean? They're "waterpoof, breathable, seam-sealed, windproof, and fortified with cozy thermal reflective lining," which is their Omni-Heat silver lining. This basically keeps their body temperature regulated. They use breathable material with little silver dots that reflect body heat. Wearing this kind of winter jacket keeps them up for anything. As a mom, I love their Innovative Outgrown™ system because it means more than one season of wear. Oh, and this is the one I use and love because of many of the above mentioned systems, plus I REALLY like my buns covered. And this one goes above and beyond - or should I say below and beyond?! ;)
Outdoor Cold Weather Gear For Your Hands:
Now for the gloves. The kids have been wearing these for years because one year I found them at Costco, and now they're hooked. Honestly, we've tried several other brands, and these ones are their faves because they not only keep their fingers toasty, but they hold up to the wear and tear of hard-core sledding, skiing, and snowball fights. There's gloves for the big kids and mittens for the littles. But no worries if you don't have a Costco membership. Amazon has the gloves and mittens. And these are the ones I can not go without.
Outdoor Cold Weather Gear For Your Head:
As far as keeping the heads warm, to me, that starts with the neck. Last year I purchased these for the kids stockings, (two each) and I'm not even kidding, they wear them so much, I have to peal them off of them to be laundered. You can be sure, in the cold winter months, we're also wearing them inside. (Okay, so I probably need to wash mine more often too...)
And then hats, really, just pick something that isn't itchy! Typically anything fleece lined is great. I always like my kiddos to coordinate because I'm weird like that, so I got these for them a couple years back and they're always so cute in pictures. But when it's extra cold outside and they're playing rough, these are the ones they go for because they stay put and even cover their cheeks.
Bonus Outdoor Cold Weather Gear:
Oh, one more thing! What you wear under your outdoor cold weather gear matters. You will not be disappointed with a thin base layer such a these. We get new ones every year at Costco, but again, don't worry if you're not a Costco member. Amazon carries all sorts of colors and sizes for everyone in your family. (Think gifts). My kids LIVE in these all season long.
Oh, and socks!!! (Sorry, I told you one more, but its' actually two). Use these. These are the only ones I'll buy now because one layer keeps us warm in the frigid temps. And the best part is, if you wear them out, just mail them back to the company for a free replacement. Seriously! I've done it twice. My boys wear their stuff HARD.
So there ya have it! This is the outdoor cold weather gear that keeps us toasty, yet moving, for basically six months out of the year. I hope you found this helpful. And if you know of something you think we might love to try, just drop me a note in the comments below. I'm always looking for the next best option.
Warm Wishes!
outdoor cold weather gear and tips
what to wear outside in winter
outdoor cold weather gear for kids