4 Seasons Inspired by Nature - 2022 Calendar

2022 Nature Calendar

The visuals within your home can impact your mood, the kind of day that you have, how you start your day, the impression you give your friends and so much more.

As smartphones, smart home devices, laptops and other technology become the sole way that we organize our days, paper calendars are quickly becoming extinct. But they shouldn’t. 

Turning the calendar to a new month is like a signal of a fresh start. And the photos that accompany each month can provide you peace, motivation and much more. Having the right calendar in your home offers a great focal artwork piece while also serving as a reference point for family gatherings, milestones and important celebrations.

Learn the benefits of bringing nature into your activity planning using a calendar that’s inspired by the four seasons and the many benefits of continuing to use a paper calendar.

Benefits of Bringing Nature into Your Activity Planning

Using images of nature in your home decorating has many great benefits. Here’s a look at some of those benefits and why you might consider getting a 2022 Nature Calendar to display in your home. 

1. Nature Never Goes Out of Style

One day nautical decorating was in and everyone wanted their homes to have navy, stripes and pops of red. And then came farmhouse styles, which called for major home renovations to meet with the new trends that within 10 years have started to fall out of popularity.

Most people can't afford to redecorate their homes to meet these changing styles and designs every 5-10 years. But the great news is, nature does not go out of style. While nature is not trendy and likely never will be, it's also not outdated and will stay current.

Bringing the outdoors in with art and decorations will serve you long-term and you'll never regret a classic piece. You certainly won't regret a nature calendar anytime before December 31 of this year.

2. Nature Can Help You Relax

Life is stressful. Keeping everything organized and knowing when to be where can make people feel squeezed for time. But that’s not what life is all about. Yes, you want to spend time with people who matter to you, but that shouldn’t make you feel stressed or worried.

Instead of viewing your calendar to-do list as a source of stress in your life, transition it to a statement piece in your home that gets you excited about the good things and reminds you about the things in the world that really matter.

Time in nature has many great physical benefits, including reducing your risk of depression, eliminating stress from work, aiding in improving your sleep and helping reset your mind. Bringing visual reminders of nature into your home and daily routines can remind you of your time in nature and produce some similar effects.


Looking for a beautiful 2022 Nature Calendar?


3. Nature is Appealing to Most People

If you have a few people in your home that help you make design and decoration decisions, you might face challenges in deciding what styles and images to use in your home. But nature appeals to most people so it’s an easy compromise when working with people who have varying ideas on how to decorate.

And if you invite people into your home, they will feel welcomed and enjoy the atmosphere you’ve created using nature because it is so widely appealing. For some, nature brings back memories of adventure or slower times spent with family doing things that matter.

Whether it was a camping trip during middle school or zip-lining on a family vacation, nature generally brings with it happy memories that guests in your home will appreciate remembering.

4. Nature Offers Diverse Geometric Patterns

Modern art uses many flat and sleek geometric patterns. And while this simplicity is something that can help invite calm, peaceful thoughts in your home, it also lacks some diversity. Nature can provide diverse geometric patterns without making your home feel overly busy and complicated. 

Leaves, waterfalls and animals all call for different shapes and patterns. No two animals or plants are the same, which allows for incredible diversity within your home without conflicting styles or shapes.

2022 Nature Calendar

Benefits of Using a Paper Calendar

Over the last decade, paper calendars have lost their popularity. When you walk into a home, it’s rare to see a calendar hanging on the refrigerator or bulletin board. But these reminders of what’s going on this week or month can be helpful still, even if you rely heavily on your digital calendar tools. 

1. Easy Visual Reminders

When you’re talking to someone and they mention that the family reunion is on August 7 this year, you can reference your calendar to see what day of the week that is and circle it. Or you might know that your family vacation is the first week of August but can’t remember the exact dates. But referencing a calendar helps you know exactly when you’ll be gone.

Even if a paper calendar isn't where you write down every little detail, it can be a good visual reference point while also offering a source of art in your home.

2. No One Can Hack a Paper Calendar

Digital calendars are great, but they are hackable, which can leave you susceptible to unwanted eyes infiltrating your life. With one simple algorithm or leaked password, your day’s activities can become public knowledge. Thieves can exploit that information to get into your home while you’re on vacation or at that family reunion. 

Keeping a paper calendar will ensure that only you and your household members know about sensitive appointments, family details, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. No one can hack into the stunning calendar with monthly art that reminds you of the beauty of nature during each season of the year.

3. Create a Log of Each Year’s Events

Skimming through old calendars can be like going through a time capsule. Remember those dance recitals, holidays spent with loved ones and birthday parties with grandma. 

Paper calendars can be a keepsake that helps you reminisce about good times with great people. And it’s so simple to document these events daily and store them in a memory box for later reference. 

4. Prepare for a New Season

That fresh start that flipping a calendar can provide is excellent. And each season you’ll be reminded of the beauty nature offers during those months. Whether it’s more sunshine as the days get longer, the changing colors of the fall season or the invitation to enjoy and appreciate the warmth and blessing of the indoors, a nature calendar can help you prepare for the changing seasons.

Get excited about those changes instead of worrying about them or getting too concerned about how they might impact you.

2022 Nature Calendar

5. Host Family Meetings to Plan Events

A paper calendar is a great way to sit down with loved ones and household members to discuss what’s on the agenda for the coming weeks and months. The more you know about what’s happening in your household members’ lives that matters, the easier it is to coordinate with them and help them through those events.

Have dinner together once a week or once a month to discuss the big events on your agenda to help everyone prepare and find support through those events.

Nature offers many great benefits to your home and getting excited about the four seasons using a calendar with art will help you enjoy those seasons and look forward to what life has in store for you.

Get your 2022 Nature Calendar from Heidi Joy now for a limited time for inspired wall art that will have an impact on your home and daily life.


Discover 2022 Nature Calendar


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