Bring the Outdoors In With Nature-Inspired Art Prints

When you think of your home, you might think of the great indoors – roaring fires, casual conversations and the people who mean so much to you.

But merging the great indoors with the calming effects of the outdoors is a great way to bring together the best of both worlds. Nature art prints help breathe fresh air into your decorating and create inviting spaces you’ll love to sit back and relax in. 

For some homeowners, they aren't sure where to get started with incorporating nature prints into their homes. So to help you organize your thoughts and envision the design in your home, we offer tips and ideas.

Ideas for Decorating with Nature Art Prints  

Some fresh or artificial flowers can help set the scene for your nature area in your home. But if you aren’t big on plants, you can bring nature inside using the art you hang on your walls. Here are some ideas for decorating with nature art prints.

1. Create a Gallery Wall

If your home has an open wall with plenty of space to be your indoor canvas, this idea should work well for you. You’re going to transform this wall into a gallery wall. Some homeowners like to start with a photograph they’ve taken while out on their adventures. This might be your honeymoon to one of the National Parks or your daily solo getaways to the local hiking trail to clear your thoughts.

But if you don’t have a centerpiece photo that reminds you of a favorite outdoor moment, don’t worry. There are plenty of great art prints and framed photos out there that capture the stunning beauty of nature.

Using a gallery wall, you can bring together your favorite pieces from a local artist or pull together images and prints from various artists that fit together well. You'll pleasingly arrange these based on the amount of space on your gallery wall. Think of pulling together 3-7 prints based on their size and the space availability you have.

Not sure how to get started with a gallery wall? Read these 5 tips for building a gallery wall in your home

gallery wall

2. Use a Nature Print in a Vignette

A vignette is a grouping of items on a flat surface, such as a table or nightstand. These areas of your home can be a real focal point and provide diverse visual interest. This can include figurines, photos, and other trinkets that come together to show a little bit about you and the character of your home. 

Art prints can showcase your commitment to nature or passion for the outdoors. Adding some art here also demonstrates an interest in supporting artists and their trade. It might take a few months for your vignette to come together as you look for the perfect items that showcase your interests and set the tone of your home.

And don’t feel like you can’t change these items out. As styles change and develop, you might find that some of the items on display are no longer relevant. Allow your vignette to evolve with your home’s décor and your personality.

If you want to get started with a vignette in your home, read these tips for how to style the perfect vignette.

3. Bring Your Mantel to Life

If you aren’t careful, your home’s mantel can become a catch-all location for random articles in your home. But with a little effort, your mantel’s real estate can be the perfect location for reminders of nature.

The sweet smell of fresh wood and smokey ash will entice your senses near the fireplace. And as you draw near, modern nature prints escort you to the outdoors. Frolicking rabbits, whimsical birds or quiet deer invite you to walk through their homes but from the comfort of your home.

The mantel might just be the perfect place for incorporating nature prints because it provides such a sensual experience already. Don't go too crazy with plans to fill your mantel though. Leave some breathing room to allow that space to really shine and draw in visitors to pause and take a step into the beautiful outdoors. 

Your mantel could be the location of your vignette by incorporating other trinkets from your home. Just keep this space from becoming too busy by following the guidelines from above about how to style the perfect vignette.


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4. Look for Areas with Ample Natural Light

Nothing says outdoors quite like sunshine. As you explore your options for creating reminders of the outdoors within your home, look for areas with the most natural light. This lighting will highlight your gallery wall beautifully. And you’ll find this lighting automatically makes your mind think of outdoor experiences.

Place art prints near windows or doors with large windows. Or look for the area of your home with many windows or sources of natural light. The wall opposite your wall of windows is a perfect location for art because the natural light will bring out every small detail so you can enjoy the richness that talented artists incorporate.

5. Start with Earth Tones in Your Home’s Paint

Painting the walls of your home with earth tones will help set the stage for your art prints. Don’t go too crazy with making your wall colors match perfectly with the colors within your nature images. But do consider using browns, greens, oranges and yellows throughout your home to add that crisp feel of nature.

You might use your gallery wall as an accent wall. But if you want the art to stand out, don’t make the wall color too bold to where that’s all visitors in your home see. 

6. Mix Live Plants with Nature Prints

You have many options for ways to bring nature inside. Live plants will help set the tone in your home to help your mind transition to the outdoors while nature prints will transport you to wooded areas, calming streams or quiet clearings. 

Where to Find Nature Prints

Finding high-quality nature prints can be challenging. But shopping on Heidi Joy’s website makes it simple. You’ll find options that are framed or not framed to provide you with the style options you're looking for. From stunning images of popular flowers to woodland creatures to fish, there's something for everyone.

The nature prints sit on a clean, white background, which helps these pieces of artwork look great within any style of home, on any wall color. But there’s nothing bland about these prints. You’ll find they work wonders for bringing back memories of calming strolls through the great outdoors.

Shop now to support an artist and create calming focal points within your home.


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