P.E. Homeschool Style!
We are loving the freedom of doing school at home, especially when it comes to physical education. Coordinated sports are great, and I think very educational, and important in a child's development. We do team sports. But let me just say, so is play time. I'm talking about simple, un-organized, let-them-be-creative, childhood play time. They need it to learn independence, creative thinking, trial-n-error, how to work with others, and so much more. I'm sure there's some scientific study out there (here's a thought provoking piece) that can support my view point, but I don't need it. I've got all the proof I need right in front of me.It's been a while since I last posted but I wanted to fill you in on the "physical education" that was happening up here. Maybe it will make you smile.Sometimes we have days like this. It's normal, so I hear. But rather than push him kicking and screaming through it, which only leads to tears (for both of us), we close the books and head outside to enjoy God's creation. It's amazing how a little fresh air and change of scenery can snap us right out of a crummy mood. Fresh air, or a good long nap ;)
Barefoot, in the middle of the week, on a warm afternoon autumn day. Now that just screams freedom!What makes you feel free?