Lessons in Camo

Literally. Grandpa E. came for the weekend with big plans, to teach the kids about camoflage. Now you might be thinking, well that's not really necessary. But before you get all anti-hunterish and anti-homeschool on me, it really was educational. He began the lesson by reading about and showing images of many animals in the wild who have been created (See what I did there? I can talk about creation in school - ha, fun ;)) with camoflage for protection. The images were spectacular! I wish he would have left the book. Anyway, then he broke out an exciting surprise. He had brought a bunch of his hunting gear. Jackets, hats, pants, gloves - all camp! Oh, and the best part?? Paint! Yes, he had them dress up in camp garb, face paint included, and head outside for the remainder of the lesson. Now, this is how my boys learn --- by doing. Great idea Grandpa E.!                             


P.E. Homeschool Style!


Field Trip to the Zoo