God’s promises are true! He has opened my eyes as to how temporary our years on Earth are, to live each day with purpose, and for HIM. And through my parents example, I’ve learned that children are not our own. God has entrusted us with them for a time…As I’ve grown and gotten married, there have been countless circumstances in my life where I could apply the Truth I’d learned as a child, even if my heart hadn’t gotten there yet. Through these circumstances, I am reminded as to what extent God really is in control of all things.Watching my parents, my mother in particular, lose, then grieve her first born, is harder than I can put into words. It has helped me to grasp what it must have been like for God to give up Jesus, fully aware of the torture His child would endure. Knowing that when His son needed him most, he would have to turn his back on him, offering no help, no comfort.
But it wasn’t until I had children of my own, that I really began to understand what a selfless gift God gave when He gave us His ONLY son. It breaks my heart to have to imagine the pain in both of them. I am so very thankful that He’s helped me understand His love for me, by giving me such an obvious parallel. And because of that, my heart is burdened to raise my children, not only with the knowledge and understanding of who HE is, but to really love Him, and know how to apply His Word to their lives - through the good days and the bad. Micah 6:8 was written in the cover of my Bible by my mother, and given to me, by my parents on my first birthday, after accepting God’s gift of salvation. It reads “…And what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.” It’s no small task but that is what I’m working on.
I would love to hear from you. If you have questions about Jesus or feel like you don't quite understanding what I'm talking about, please leave me a message in the comments. I read all of them. I'd be happy to show you, right from God's word, how much He loves and cares for you too.
With love,