My Testimony of God's Faithfulness
According to my Google search, a testimony is "evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something." I think that sums it up quite well! I thought it might be important to share with you my testimony so you will understand a bit more about who I am and see the evidence of how God has worked in my life, and continues to work in our lives.
I was born the middle child of three, and I now have four children of my own. Being a mother has probably been the most eye-opening, helpful, challenging, yet humbling part of my walk with God.I came to know the Lord at a young age of about 5 or 6 after reading books with my mother. They were books written to help young children understand who God is; three books aptly entitled, “Who Is God?” “Who Is Jesus?” and “What Is Heaven?” I had a lot of questions, as children often do, and for each of those questions, my mother had just the right answer, because it was then that I understood I was a sinner and needed God to save me from my sins. I asked Jesus into my heart that morning and, from then on, looked forward to life in Heaven with Him. I am so thankful for having grown up in a family who knew what it meant to need a Savior and humbly practice what that means, through the good days and the bad.
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Help Children understand who God is
"Who is God" and "Who is Jesus" are the books I referred to that my mom read to me. I scoured Ebay for them, and even found some extras to create a wonderful collection. Sometimes you can find them on Amazon too. They are well worth the search!
I would say I was a pretty good kid growing up. I never had a real rebellious stage. I liked order and did well with rules, for the most part. I understood discipline. I was mouthy and strong –willed, but all around a good kid. I believe it is that strong will, coupled with Godly direction, that helped me live for the Lord throughout my years.I grew up having gone through the AWANA program, which instilled in me a solid biblical background through scripture memorization and giving my best for God’s glory, all by learning healthy competition, patriotism, and studying God’s Word. At age 12, I chose to be baptized, understanding it was an important step in obedience to God, a public symbol of my love and commitment to Him.That said, growing up in a Christian home doesn’t mean my life was easy. The Lord moved my family around a lot. We never lived in one home longer than five years. I’ve lived on both coasts and a handful of states in between. I had seen how the Lord worked, or more-so taught by my parents about His provision, through all the moves, the new schools, churches, friends, and all the details that go along with a relocation.
But God really opened my eyes when I was 16. My big brother, Justin, died suddenly, in an unforseeable accident. We learned of this through a sheriff and chaplain as they solemnly stood outside our door one evening, as Justin had been attending an out of state college. What a shock that was to my small world. As hurt and numb as I was, by God’s grace, I understood. I knew it was no ones’ fault. No one new the road needed to be closed. Justin was not being careless… He was strong. He was adventurous. He was capable. He was my brother, but he was God’s child and God had called him home. I knew that Justin was in Heaven with our Heavenly Father, and as much as I missed him, I was thankful that I had hope: hope of seeing them both, one day.The grief faded in time, and it wasn’t until then that my salvation became all the more real to me. The scripture I had memorized as a small child flooded my mind. Verses like:
Heb. 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
1 John 5:12 “He that hath the Son, hath life!”
Psalm 46:1 “God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.