with Heidi Joy

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Visiting the Wildlife World Zoo | Traveling with Kids (Part 3)

The Wildlife World Zoo & Aquarium, in Litchfield Park, Arizona has to be my favorite zoo of all time. It is wonderful! Now, I live in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, so that means, we traveled a looooong way to get here. ;)  Well, honestly, we were making AZ one of our stops along the way of "The Best Road Trip Ever," so while we were in the area we just had to put it on the agenda. (If you want to start at the beginning of our trip, head on over here).Have you ever enjoyed or experienced something with your children that you experienced as a child? If you are blessed enough to answer 'yes,' it's just a whole different kind of special, isn't it?! I went to this zoo years ago, as a fifth grader, and it has been my favorite zoo, and one of my best memories, ever since. Last month I brought my fifth grader (and the rest of the fam), to the Wildlife World Zoo, after years of hearing me refer to it, and he was not disappointed.2017-03-28_0001.jpgI've been to several zoos in my lifetime, and I think what makes this one stand out is it's wide assortment of animals. We saw everything from tropical birds, to safari animals (all the good ones except the elephant) including a white tiger, to creatures of the deep, to albino snakes and alligators! Which brings me to my next point:  They have animals here that are not often seen anywhere else in the world. I mean, have you ever heard of an albino peacock?!!! I haven't either, until now... too bad he was too shy to fan his tail feathers for me.

Let's take a tour!2017-03-28_0002.jpg2017-03-28_0003.jpg2017-03-28_0004.jpg2017-03-28_0005.jpg

This ostrich fella was a character, let me tell ya! I think he wanted someone to race him.2017-03-28_0006.jpg2017-03-28_0007.jpg2017-03-28_0008.jpgThe grounds were more beautiful than I had remembered. Well, actually, they've expanded the zoo to about twice the size it was since I had been there 20 years ago. I was amazed at what careful thought had gone into the actual design of the grounds. They've created this small oasis throughout the park which contained several palm trees and monkey's, fish, and ducks, all of which brought such life to the walking paths. But it wasn't just these well placed animals that caught my eye. There were beautiful enclosure, habitats, and exhibits throughout. I didn't find myself saying "aww, poor thing," like I typically do. Look closely in those trees ;)2017-03-28_0009.jpg'Poor thing,' nothin'. These animals looked happy and healthy. It was obvious to me that they were being well cared for. The lion seemed to be content sitting on his throne. The wort hogs were having the time of their lives hanging out in the dirt. And I mean these hyenas were actually pretty cute, cleaning each other's furry coats.2017-03-28_0010.jpg2017-03-28_0011.jpgThe areas were well marked, and there were more than a couple of places to view each of the animals from a safe distance, with substantial guards if need be.2017-03-28_0012.jpg2017-03-28_0013.jpg

Side note:

Oh! I should let you know that this zoo is just down the road from Luke Airforce base. On days that the fighter jets are flying, you will definitely hear them overhead. I thought it was SO cool. Sometimes, I couldn't keep up with taking pictures of my kids, the animals or the speeding jets. Made me think of my dad. When we went as a child, he was the photographer. When we got our rolls of film back, several of them appeared to be of plain boring landscape or a cloudy sky. Nope, that was Dad trying to get shots of the Airforce's fighter jets with his good ol' point & shoot. ;)  So, these are for you Dad!! --- Anyway, the animals didn't seem to mind, and neither did we.2017-03-28_0014.jpg2017-03-28_0015.jpg

Back to the tour!

 2017-03-28_0017.jpg2017-03-28_0018.jpgThere are also a handful of opportunities to be involved with or interact with, or see the animals interact with humans. Feeding the giraffes was a highlight of my childhood trip, so I was SO happy to see that they still make this available, although it's a bit further of a reach. I have never forgotten what their blue-gray tongue feels like, and I'm sure my boys won't either! This is still my favorite part. Eeep!2017-03-28_0019.jpg2017-03-28_0020.jpgWe have flamingos at our zoo here in MN, but I have never seen these birds sporting such a vibrant pink color. They say that has to do with what they're eating. Well, they're eating something right!2017-03-28_0021.jpgNow, the aquarium was interesting, but honestly, it didn't wow us like the rest of the park did...2017-03-28_0022.jpg2017-03-28_0023.jpg... until we got to the white crocodile!!! I mean, really??? He was albino! Did you ever think such an animal existed? And then there were black alligators, and piranhas, and big snakes, and all sorts of creepy things that boys like. [High Five] Wildlife World Zoo!2017-03-28_0024.jpg2017-03-28_0025.jpg2017-03-28_0026.jpg2017-03-28_0027.jpg2017-03-28_0029.jpgUs girls like the cute cuddling things, like the wallaby's.2017-03-28_0028.jpg2017-03-28_0030.jpgOooh! But then the Cassowary - the deadliest bird on the planet! We studied these guys last year. They are native to Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Their second talon is like a dagger, and they can jump at you with both feet out. Although I know better, this guy seemed so docile, as he fell asleep while I photographed him. I was struck by the beautiful blue color on his neck, and his hard bone-like horn atop his head. Just amazing!2017-03-28_0031.jpg2017-03-28_0032.jpg2017-03-28_0033.jpg2017-03-28_0034.jpgAnd the cats. Ohh how we could have watched them all day. Some were just interesting to watch as they snoozed. Others were rolling around with a child-like playfulness. (And one did NOT want his picture taken).2017-03-28_0035.jpg2017-03-28_0036.jpg2017-03-28_0037.jpg2017-03-28_0038.jpg

Another side note:

Ya know, as a mother of littles who are growing so quickly, I realized that this time at the Wildlife World Zoo, so much of my visit was watching them enjoy the animals. There have been many years and outings where I had to plan diapers and snacks and feeding schedules and changes of clothes, and carry tired ones and grumpy ones or grabbed naughty ones by any means possible. And this time, there was none of that. It was just bliss. The only carrying I had to do was the water bottles, and the only holding I did was that of my camera, and a little hand every now-and-then, who just wanted to be close. So, hang in there mamas. It will all change, and it seems to happen before you realize what's happening. Letting them grow up has it's advantages --- For whatever that's worth ;)2017-03-28_0039.jpg2017-03-28_0040.jpg2017-03-28_0041.jpg2017-03-28_0042.jpg2017-03-28_0043.jpg2017-03-28_0044.jpg2017-03-28_0045.jpg2017-03-28_0046.jpgAfter spending the entire day here,  I realized that there is more of a variety of animals than I had remembered at this zoo. It was a delightful way to introduce my children to animals they most likely will never have the chance to see again. And it just warmed my heart to see the animals so clean and healthy and thriving in such beautiful surroundings. So, 25 years later, I can honestly say that the Wildlife World Zoo is a wonderful place. A day at this zoo is {still} a day well spent.2017-03-28_0016.jpg If you have more questions about the Wildlife World Zoo that I did not answer, please feel free to send me a message. Otherwise, here is their website which is likely to answer the most detailed questions.Until next time Friends! (I'll be taking you through the desert in an ATV!) SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSaveSave