Simple Christmas Cupcakes : Sure to make you a hero!
Just poppin' in quick to share this simple Christmas cupcake topper I came up with, kind of by accident. A white chocolate / peppermint / pretzel treat... I mean tree. Don't you just need a cupcake NOW?!We were making our annual white peppermint bark and I had a touch of left over melted chocolate. Well, I don't need to tell you that you can't just throw it away!!! So I plopped it in a plastic bag and snipped off the end.While I was doing that, I had my kiddos line up our favorite gluten free pretzels sticks on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Then, in a zig-zag pattern, just squirt some of that melted chocolate about 2/3 of the way from the bottom of the stick. For an extra surprise, sprinkle some crushed up peppermints on top of that chocolate before it hardens. You'll thank me later ;)
Oh, and if you want to use food coloring but don't like chemicals, I like to use this one.Go ahead and try it with the kiddos tomorrow. We love this gluten free cupcake mix from Bob's Red Mill. (And honestly, even if you're not gluten free, you'll love this one). You needed a good excuse to make Christmas cupcakes, didn't you?! You'll be the "best mom ever," and the hero of that holiday party!