with Heidi Joy

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My Amazon Favorites: Shop my Home

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Don't we all love to see what other's use in their daily lives? What tools they cook with, what books they love, what essentials they, and their kids, can't live without? I know I do. Ever since Oprah and her "Favorite Things" show, it has become a real thing! We wanna know what our friends love; what they use all the time; what makes their lives easier. Well now I can share my favorite things with you all in one place. I only list my absolute faves, the books I have loved, or items I/we use on a weekly basis. There are six of us in our home, so there are many opinions, but these are my/our collective favorites. (I want to tell you that because I am an Amazon affiliate, I will receive a small kick back from anything you purchase from my Amazon Storefront which helps me to continue creating valuable content for you, and sharing in this special space.)  So, let's get to it!

My Favorite Homeschool Supplies:

There is such thing as too much stuff. But honestly, there are a lot of 'cute' & helpful homeschool tools now-a-days. I'm not an advocate for keeping (and storing) all. the. things. So this is a collection of items we use multiple times a week. Here you'll find things like art supplies, school supplies, math manipulatives, educational games, how-to drawing books, and just odds and ends I've found really helpful as their teacher. And it's just a bonus that they're 'cute.' ;)

My Favorite Nature Necessities:

This category is made up of all our favorite nature books / reference guides, as well as the tools we use to learn more about the treasures we find; things like magnifying glasses, bug barn and butterfly nets, a microscope, which has brought about SO many fantastic thoughts, questions and conversations. I've also included the kind of boots we can not live without. Seriously. All kinds of weather (even the arctic days).

My Favorite Read Alouds:

I read to the kiddos every single morning, Monday thru Friday. I've lost track of how many books we've enjoyed together but it's got to be pushing 200. We like to keep a tally of which books were their faves, on a scale of one to ten. These are all right up at the top. Check back often as the list will grow and change. And if you'd like a peak into how a homeschool days run, you can read about that here.

My Favorite Early Readers:

Each of my three boys have struggled with reading in one way shape or form. These selections are ones that I would read first to them, and then they'd read on their own (once they got to that point). Such sweet stories, with good lessons sprinkled in. My daughter has gravitated to these on her own. (Reading came so much easier for her).

My Favorite Photography Gear:

I am a firm believer in the saying, "The best camera is the one you own." Really, making a good photograph starts with seeing, so use what you have and rock it! But if you're interested in taking what you know a little further, these are my favorite tools in the photography department. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have as you learn. And on the flip side, if you think I'm missing something that would help me take my love of photography a bit further, please let me know. We're a work in progress, aren't we?! Always learning and growing.

My Favorite Children's Devotionals:

Here I've included devotionals for every age and stage; Books to read with your wee ones, all the way up to a fantastic scientific devotional to go through with your high schoolers. All have a biblical world view and a strong scriptural element. I've read through each of them with my children, some even more than once, and I highly recommend them as a companion to the Scriptures. Also, when each of our children have learned to read, we gifted them with their very own Bible (typically at the end of the school year). You'll find this version among my favorites too.

My Favorite Parenting Resources:

These books are near and dear to my heart. Parenting is not easy. We all go through seasons of change in our family, with our children, and in our own hearts. These pages have helped shape what our home life, values system, and home school look like.

My Favorite Kitchen Tools:

Okay friends. Full disclosure here:  The kitchen is and has never been my favorite place. I eat because I have to, not because I enjoy it. But that it not the case for my family. They LOVE food and they are ALWAYS hungry. These are tools I use on (almost) a daily basis to make my life easier. The bread maker (because we're gluten-free) saves us tons of money on buying our bread, and the kids love to make it. It's seriously, dump and go! And speaking of dump and go, the Instant Pot!!! I mean, who else has forgotten about dinner until a half hour before you know everyone's going to pile into the kitchen asking, "What's for dinner?!" - but you didn't thaw the meat.... so, oatmeal??? That fancy pot has saved my skin on more than several occasions - putting oatmeal in its' rightful place ;)

My Favorite Winter Gear:

Now remember, we live in Minnesota so our winters may look significantly different than yours. But, if you get cold or snow at all, these items should be in your closest and/or garage. Having the right equipment makes all the difference in enjoying the season.

My Favorite Seasonal Picture Books:

Anyone else love to rotate books on a seasonal basis? I do, and have for years. This is something my kiddos look forward to and I hope will be some pretty special memories as they look back on their childhood. I'm not a fan of the character type books. I love real, rich, living books. These are all gracing our bookshelves, and I'm excited to share them with you. Do you have a favorite that you think we need to add? I'd love to hear it! So there you have it! I hope this peak into our home encourages and inspires you to create an atmosphere of real living and learning.

Again, if you have a favorite you can't live without, please leave a comment below, or hop on over to Instagram and send me a DM. I'd love to hear from you!

Happy Shopping!
