Ice Mining
We are having quite a mild winter here in beautiful Minnesnowta. Not a whole lot of snow, 50 degree temperature fluctuations every couple of days, rain, snow, and everything in between. Well, I'm not here to talk about the weather. I just wanted to share some sweet photos with you of some pretty creative kids skills. I am thrilled to see their mind at work no matter what the weather.The other day I found my boys outside with the garden tools, in the culvert, "ice mining." Yep. They were breaking up big chunks of their favorite frozen puddle. They were out there for hours, chopping, pulling, cheeks flushed, and noses dripping. Sometimes, standing in freezing cold icy water. Side note here: BOGS Best. boots. ever. for cold outdoor play. Rain puddles, ice puddles, lots of snow, or negative temps, my kiddos never complain about their cold feet anymore. You can find them here. Anyway, It broke my heart to tell them, "No, it's probably not a good idea to sell it. We just don't have a good market for ice here." They saw my point, but had worked so hard, helped one another, and had been very resourceful, I tried to encourage them with, "You'll think of something else."
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And think of something else, they did. The very next day I found their plan B, if you will. Not only had they built something out of their ice, but it was a castle for their sister, Elsa (really, that's her name. She was named a year before the movie…) but they even fashioned a bridge to get to it. I stood chuckling out of amazement. I just LOVE to see them using their imaginations! Here are some images with the general contractor, my resident builder.
On day three, he came out to make sure the "sun was doing it's job." It was supposed to melt together to become a more stable piece of construction. He thought he would help things along and make it shiny in the process. Yes, 'Mom of the Year' award right here for letting him lick dirty ice. ;) No worries. He's building up his immunity. All in the name of creativity!
"... my object is to show that the chief function of the child -- his business in the world during the first six or seven years of his life -- is to find out all he can, about whatever comes under his notice, by means of his five senses..." Charlotte MasonI am blessed and inspired by their creativity. Maybe you are too? I'd love to hear from you! Hope you're enjoying your winter days, no matter the weather!