His 7th Birthday
Birthdays come with much anticipation around here. We had lots of little things planned throughout our day, but that kinda got squashed by the big snow storm (a hazard of having your birthday in the middle of February in Minnesota), so we had to improvise.I let this guy open a birthday present every time we ate. And we ate more often than normal today ;) He was delighted. All he really wanted for his birthday was to eat cupcakes and go to the Lego store. I think it's just me who gets all hung up on the details, trying to make it extra special.
By the way, this is hat hair from playing outside in the freshly fallen snow, not bed head, lest you think I don't keep them properly groomed. Actually, some days I don't ;)
After a morning of playing outside, and an afternoon of coloring and creating, we picked up his buddy and headed for the greatly anticipated Lego Land at the MOA. Taking it all in.
This little guy has saved his money for almost a year to purchase an, all-be-it overly priced, Ninjago set he's had his eye on for a while. To say he was excited would be an understatement. This is THE event.
(Somewhere along the way we picked up an extra little girl. She ended up going back to her parents when we entered the store ---)
Oh, and Dear Photographers, If you want a white balance challenge, go to the Lego store. Oh. My. Crazy. Colorcasts. I need more practice :P
We looked, and looked, and looked...
... but we could not find it. Turns out, they no longer sell it in stores. What a bummer! And totally anticlimactic.
Turns out, Steve was able to find it on Amazon. So we sat there in the store and bought it online. :P It would arrive in two days. (Thank you Amazon Prime.)