DIY Renovations with Happy-to-Help Children

Our latest project is an overhaul of the lower level. There were three bedrooms, a laundry room, furnace room, workshop, an old fireplace and an big awkward left over commons area with zero natural light. It's a lot of space, but it needs to be changed in order to utilize that space well. So far, we have combined the furnace with the other utilities (think water heater, water softener, and fun stuff like that) along with the laundry machines in one room, we've taken down several walls to open up the the main living area into a more usable space with natural light, and created another bedroom. Not necessarily the fun part, but necessary. For crying out loud, who wants to hang out in a basement with no windows?!?! Not me! So, we took out a major load-bearing wall last week (see my instagram) and now we're finishing electrical and heating ducts while the kiddos slave away on an old section of tile that was under the fireplace. Just kidding. Not slave-ing - they love using their muscles. And it's fun to see them work so well together. They came up with a rotation system so they could all be a part of the process, but they wouldn't get in each others' way because it's such a small space. Love my little demo crew!untitled-4176untitled-4151untitled-4165untitled-4159untitled-4152untitled-4171untitled-4168untitled-4150untitled-4181untitled-4153untitled-4174SaveSaveSaveSave


Creative Play: Snowball Soup


Quiet Foggy Mornings