The Apple Orchard | 3 ways to make it memorable
When fall approaches, temperatures drop, and schools start up again, don't we all kinda feel like we want just want more adventure? Going to the apple orchard is just that for my family. It's not extravagant, but it's something we all look forward to when the seasons change. We found this cute old spot in the rolling hills of Minnetonka, MN and it's been our favorite. Once the boys started approaching the upper elementary years, we thought maybe they were too old for it, but it turns out, they want to go back because they have such fond memories. So I want to share with you how we make this simple little stop memorable for our kiddos.Oh, and I’ve got some helpful info at the end of this post! I’m taking part in a blog circle with some photographer friends of mine. We’re linking to each other’s posts, so you can check out what they’re up to. This month, I’m linking to a sweet mom-photographer in New York, who’s sharing some helpful tips you'll be interested to read before you get your family photos taken this year.
First, we let them lead the way.
We don't direct them to what we think they might enjoy most, we just let them go. Almost always they run to this rope swing, fight over who gets the first ride (true) and then quickly run off to the hay stack. They climb, jump, wrestle, and giggle. It's loads of fun! Then it's back and forth between the animals, the train, and slide until someone has to go to the bathroom ;)
Second, my hubby takes the day off of work.
There are many reasons why I love this man, and one of them is that he loves to be with us. He doesn't want to miss out. And he wants to be a part of even the littlest adventure. I don't know about you, but any adventure with Dad included is always twice the adventure if he hadn't been there. Plus I enjoy having 'back-up.'
And third, we don't pick apples.
{Gasp!} We really don't. We always look at how the apples grow on the trees, the size of the trees, and the rotten apples that fall, but we do not pick. Turns out, when there are things to climb on and crawl through, picking apples seems like a chore. Instead, we pick up a bag of pre-picked apples, at the quaint little barn on the way out, along with a home-made caramel for each hand. It works for us. So there you have it. Going to the apple orchard is a wonderful family friendly activity, fun for all ages. Just being out in God's creation, enjoying the colorful countryside and crisp sweet smell of all those apples, makes it a win in my book. And here's a tip: If you go on a weekday, you don't get charged admission ;) So we can save a little in our budget (or go get some ice cream). Win-Win!
Until next time...Oh and don’t forget to follow along the blog circle. There’s a group of six of us this month, and next up is my friend Hali from New York. Click here to check our her blog post: Rochester, NY Family Photographer.