with Heidi Joy

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Life Lessons from a Snowflake

 The kiddos and I have learned so much from snowflakes in the past few years. We now love to photograph them in all types of light and weather, as we've learned to see that small changes make big differences. I'd love to share with you some of those photos, as well as some lessons the snowflakes have taught us.

Lesson 1

Inspired by our snowflake study this week, I headed out to take pictures of some actual falling snowflakes. After shooting for a few minutes, I was so disappointed to find that the flakes which were falling were not the 'beautiful' kind. They were small and broken.I snapped a few frames anyway. Do you know what I saw when I uploaded them? Beauty...in brokenness. Friends, ' broken' can still be beautiful.

Lesson 2

One small particle of dust turns into this; a work of art, each a little bit different than the next. And to think, these individual masterpieces go unnoticed by the majority. What an awesome reminder of the amazing Creator we serve. God is in the details. A beautiful object lesson He literally placed in our path.

Lesson 3

I am just amazed at how each one is so different from the next. Do you know why no two snowflakes are alike? It's because no two snowflakes take the same path down... .....So Friends, be different. Take your own path. If you're broken, it's okay. You are still beautiful!

Life lessons from a snowflake. Aren't these designs amazing?!?! I just wanted to share this beautiful object lesson with you all! If you'd like to see the crafty side of our snowflake study, you can click here. Otherwise, stay tuned for some tips on how to photograph snowflakes up close, in my next post.

Stay warm!
