with Heidi Joy

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And the Gift Goes On

    "The Father gave the Son.
    The Son gave the Spirit.
    The Spirit gives us Life.
    So we can give the gift of LOVE.

    And the Gift goes on…"

This was a song my mom and used to sing together when I was young. It has stuck with me for a few reasons:  Because this is the first song my mom taught me when she taught me how to use my voice to bless others, for God's glory. Those are special memories I have standing up in church with my mom singing our hearts out. Also, the words of the song are so simple, yet the so true.

"Don't you love to get a present, wrapped up in a Christmas bow?
God gave each of us a present on that night so long ago. It's a gift that keeps on giving, if our spirits can receive. It's the secret JOY of giving if our hearts will just believe.

And the gift goes on…"

I love it! Simple. Sweet. And so true!
So, as we gathered with friends and family to celebrate Christmas we really try to keep the real "Gift" from getting lost. With all the business, presents, shopping, and just plain craziness that this season brings, it is hard. Don't get me wrong, we have good time doing the crazy, but sometimes it feels like too much. And why, does it seem, that there is such a let down after the 25th? I don't like it. I wonder if it's because we're putting to much emphasis on the wrong things. Though I think Steve and I are off to a good start, we would like to 'do Christmas' a little differently next year. Simplify. So that we can put more focus on the gift of LOVE. I'm not sure exactly how that's going to look. It'll probably be different every year. But we're going to work on it. Let me know if you have any suggestions! And feel free to keep us accountable ;)

So, here you'll see a bit of both; a little crazy, and lots of love! ENJOY (and get comfortable ;)
